Those that know me, know I love SUSHI. SUSHI SUSHI SUSHI 🙂 I saw a lot of places but wasnt sure about a good one, so for the first time in my trip I actually asked an information agent what her personal favorite sushi place was. Not the suggested ones but one that she liked. It was hard to find and it was very hidden. (the ideal problem to have when looking for good sushi). It was a sushi bar and no one spoke english, but i hoped the menu had images and they did. The sushi was awesome… and cheap too.

A lady at the info booth in Shinjuku recommended this Sushi place to me.
So after eating a lot of sushi… i went exploring some more. It was night time, I was looking forward to this.

Night shot in Shinjuku
Of course I needed to check out one of Japans largest Electronic stores. 7 floors of awesome stuff.

Electronic store
After exploring Shinjuku for hours and hours… it was late so I started walking towards by hotel. I happen to walk by this place again but at night. The Tokyo Metro Govt Building looks amazing at night all lit up.

First attempt at taking a photo of this at night.